what people say about by design

I cannot believe how you hit the nail right on the head with my website! It is exactly as I had desired, with improvements I never could have thought of.

Thanks for paying attention to all the little details & getting it up & running so quickly.

The site is without a doubt my most valuable business tool!

Joe Bongiorno
Piano Joe

Last year when AUFA embarked on a total re-design of its site, we worked with By Design. The staff there could not have been more accommodating, and through their technical know-how and helpful suggestions, we were able to launch a new look on the web.

After completing this initial process, we decided to continue working with By Design to help us update our site and to work with our content-management process.

We are pleased with the final result and have had nothing but good comments about the site. Thank you!

Shelley Greene
Alabama Urban Forestry Association

By Design's web design work on our web page became a standard for other web pages in my institution.

Tom R. Schultz
Washington State University, San Juan County Extension

I've been extremely happy with the design of my website over the past few years. You have been responsive whenever I call with suggestions, problems, and just tweaking the site when needed. I'm glad you're there!

Nancy Young, Real Estate Agent

You've really done an outstanding job with our site! We are very happy, and feel this is an important tool to help our new hotel become a success.

We really appreciate your interest and enthusiasm making this site, including your input in the design, correcting our "spanglish," and the idea of the online tour, which was excellent.

We have enjoyed very much working together, and look forward to a long term association.

Best regards & gracias,

Helen & Jose
Coral Princess Inn

Thanks so much Ian,

I just got a booking from someone who said they thought my site was the easiest Oahu scuba page they came across. Accolades to you my friend...

Aloha and thanks again,

Kaimana Divers

by design • p.o. box 1376 • friday harbor, washington 98250 • 360.378.7275 • e-mail us